




患者さんの生体試料などの収集や提供(Cancer Cell Portがんバンク)、治験や臨床研究にかかる支援や外部との共同研究の誘致などの支援活動を通じて、病院や研究所との架け橋となり、基礎研究や臨床研究の推進・普及のために活動しています。





 他施設にはない特徴的な組織として、1959年の大阪府立成人病センター(現在の大阪国際がんセンター)設立当初より活動し、1962年から「大阪府がん登録」(Osaka Cancer Registry)を継続しています(「大阪がん登録のこれまでの歩み」参照)。2017年の大阪国際がんセンター移転時に、がん予防情報センターから改称し、調査、研究に留まらない姿勢を明確にしました。

The future starts today, not tomorrow. (Pope John Paul II)

大阪国際がんセンター がん対策センター所長 宮代 勲


がん対策センター(Cancer Control Center)では、政策情報部(Department of Cancer Strategy)と疫学統計部(Department of Cancer Epidemiology)が分担・協力して、事業等を行っています。

事 業 等 課 題 例 主担
大阪府におけるがん罹患率とがん患者受療率の測定 大阪府におけるがん患者の生存率の測定 がん登録情報の活用 国際協同調査への参画 政策情報部
がん登録支援 大阪府内医療機関のがん登録支援
がん情報提供 大阪がん情報ウエブサイト
疫学研究 がん患者の生存率推計・地域差の分析
がん予防 タバコ対策推進のための研究及び活動
臨床研究支援 院内臨床研究の統計解析支援



がん対策センター(Cancer Control Center)
職  名 氏  名 主な研究・専門分野等 資格・学会専門医・役職
Isao Miyashiro
宮代 勲



M.D., Ph.D.
大阪大学大学院医学系研究科医学部 招へい教授
社会医学系専門医協会 指導医・専門医
日本外科学会 指導医・専門医
日本消化器外科学会 指導医・専門医
大阪府がん対策推進委員会 委員
大阪府がん対策推進委員会がん登録等部会 部会長
大阪府がん診療連携協議会 がん登録・情報提供部会 部会長
大阪府地域職域連携推進協議会 委員
健康おおさか21府民会議 委員
がん登録標準化専門委員会 専門委員
日本がん登録協議会 副理事長
JACR Monograph 編集長
Gastric Cancer  Editorial Board Member
日本胃癌学会 登録委員会委員
日本癌学会 評議員
日本疫学会 評議員
日本臨床外科学会 評議員 ほか


政策情報部(Department of Cancer Strategy)
職  名 氏  名 主な研究・専門分野等 資格・学会専門医・役職
Isao Miyashiro
宮代 勲
Associate Chief
Kayo Nakata
中田 佳世



M.D., Ph.D.
日本小児科学会 小児科専門医
日本小児血液・がん学会 小児血液・がん専門医
日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医
日本血液学会 血液専門医
日本疫学会 上級疫学専門家
⼩児・AYA世代のがん対策部会 部会長
AYAがんの医療と支援のあり方研究会 国際連携委員会 委員
Associate Chief
Toshitaka Morishima
森島 敏隆



M.D., Ph.D.
日本内科学会 認定内科医
日本呼吸器学会 呼吸器専門医
Associate Chief
Yoshihiro Kuwabara
桒原 佳宏



M.D., Ph.D.
⽇本内科学会 総合内科専⾨医
⽇本循環器予防学会 評議員
JSCTR認定 GCPパスポート



Mizuki Kato
加藤 美寿季



Haruka Kudo
工藤 榛香



Health Information

Rie Ishida
石田 理恵
Health Information

Kanako Hara
原 加奈子
Health Information

Satoshi Hanahara
花原 聡
Health Information

Maki Kyuma
久馬 麻希
Munehiro Taya
田家 宗博
Tatsunori Ichimoto
市本 辰憲
Eri Takahashi
高橋 絵理


疫学統計部(Department of Cancer Epidemiology)
職  名 氏  名 主な研究・専門分野等 資格・学会専門医・役職
Isao Miyashiro
宮代 勲
Associate Chief
部長補佐(兼務) 医師
Toshitaka Morishima
森島 敏隆
Research Fellow
Shihoko Koyama
小山 史穂子



D.D.S., Ph.D.



In English

  • Maekawa A, Ishihara R, Iwatsubo T, Nakagawa K, Ohmori M, Iwagami H, Matsuno K, Inoue S, Arao M, Nakahira H, Matsuura N, Schichijo S, Kanesaka T, Yamamoto S, Takeuchi Y, Higashino K, Uedo N, Fujii T, Morishima T, Miyashiro I. High incidence of head and neck cancers after endoscopic resection for esophageal cancer in younger patients. Journal of Gastroenterology. 55(4): 401–407, 2020
  • LBD Double Burden of Malnutrition Collaborators. Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low-and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017. Nature Medicine. 26(5): 750–759, 2020
  • Gravely S, Fong GT, Sutanto E, Loewen R, Ouimet J, Xu SS, Quah ACK, Thompson ME, Boudreau C, Li G, Goniewicz ML, Yoshimi I, Mochizuki Y, Elton-Marshall T, Thrasher JF, Tabuchi T. Perceptions of Harmfulness of Heated Tobacco Products Compared to Combustible Cigarettes among Adult Smokers in Japan:Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17(7): 2394, 2020
  • Takada R, Ikezawa K, Kiyota R, Imai T, Abe Y, Fukutake N, Ashida R, Nawa T, Tabuchi T, Katayama K, Ohkawa K. Self-expandable metallic stent placement above the papilla without endoscopic sphinterotomy in patients with distal malignant biliary obstruction. Endosc Int Open. 8(6): E753–E760, 2020
  • Koyama S, Tabuchi T, Okawa S, Morishima T, Ishimoto S, Ishibashi M, Miyashiro I. Oral cavity cancer incidence rates in Osaka, Japan between 2000 and 2014. Oral Oncology. 105: 104653, 2020
  • Yao K, Uedo N, kamada T, Hirasawa T, Nagahama T, Yoshinaga S, Oka M, Inoue K, Mabe K, Yao T, Yoshida M, Miyashiro I, Fujimoto K, Tajiri H. (JGES Guidelines) Guidelines for endoscopic diagnosis of early gastric cancer. Digestive Endoscopy. 32(5): 663–698, 2020
  • Shigemi D, Morishima T, Shibata A, Tabuchi T, Yasunaga H, Miyashiro I. Comparison of overall mortality between hysterectomy and concurrent chemoradiotherapy for the primary treatment of localized or regionally extended cervical cancer. Annals of Clinical Epidemiology. 2(3): 75–83, 2020
  • Fuji S, Kida S, Morishima T, Nakata K, Miyashiro I, Ishikawa J. Clinical outcomes of patients with adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma in a non-endemic metropolitan area: A retrospective analysis of the population-based Osaka Cancer Registry. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 26(8): 1433–1438, 2020
  • Tsuboi A , Matsui H, Shiraishi N, Murakami T, Otsuki A, Kawashima J, Kiyama T, Tamahara T, Goto M, Koyama S, Sugawara J, Kodama E, Metoki H, Hozawa A, Kuriyama S, Tomita H, Kikuya M, Minegishi N, Suzuki K, Koshiba S, Tamiya G, Fuse N, Aoki Y, Takai-Igarashi T, Ogishima S, Nakamura T, Sakurai-Yageta M, Nagami F, Kinoshita K, Kure S, Shimizu R, Sasaki K, Yamamoto M. Design and Progress of Oral Health Examinations in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. Tohoku J Exp Med. 251(2): 97–115, 2020
  • Morishima T, Sato A, Nakata K, Miyashiro I. Geriatric assessment domains to predict overall survival in older cancer patients: An analysis of functional status, comorbidities, and nutritional status as prognostic factors. Cancer Medicine. 9(16): 5839–5850, 2020
  • Yasuoka J, Yi S, Okawa S, Tuot S, Murayama M, Huot C, Chhoun P, Yem S, Yuzuriha K, Mizutani T, Kikuchi K. Nutritional status and dietary diversity of school-age children living with HIV: a cross-sectional study in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. BMC Public Health. 20(1): 1181, 2020
  • Gupta S, Aitken J, Bartels U, Bhakta N, Bucurenci M, Brierley J, De Camargo B, Chokunonga E, Clymer J, Coza Dana, Fraser C, Fuentes-Alabi S, Gatta G, Gross T, Jakab Z, Kohler B, Kutluk T, Moreno F, Nakata K, Nur Sari, Parkin DM, Penberthy L, Pole J, Poynter JN, Pritchard-Jones K, Ramirez O, Renner L, Steliarova-Foucher E, Sullivan M, Swaminathan R, Van Eycken L, Vora T, Frazier AL. . Development of paediatric non-stage prognosticator guidelines for population-based cancer registries and updates to the 2014 Toronto Paediatric Cancer Stage Guidelines. The Lancet Oncology. 21(9): e444–e451, 2020
  • Aoe J, Ito Y, Fukui K, Nakayama M, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Sobue T, Nakayama T. Long-term trends in sex difference in bladder cancer survival 1975-2009: A population-based study in Osaka, Japan. Cancer Medicine. 9(19): 7330–7340, 2020
  • Craig LV, Yoshimi I, Fong GT, Meng G, Yan M, Mochizuki Y, Tabuchi T, Thrasher JF, Xu SS, Quah ACK, Ouimet J, Sansone G, Chung-Hall J. Awareness of Marketing of Heated Tobacco Products and Cigarettes and Support for Tobacco Marketing Restrictions in Japan: Findings from the 2018 International Tobacco Control (ITC) Japan Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17(22): E8418, 2020
  • Tsuji T, Saito M, Ikeda T, Aida J, Cable N, Koyama S, Noguchi T, Osaka K, Kondo K. Change in the prevalence of social isolation among the older population from 2010 to 2016: A repeated cross-sectional comparative study of Japan and England. Gerontology and Geriatrics. 91: 104237, 2020
  • Nakata K, Colombet M, Stiller CA, Pritchard-Jones K, Steliarova-Foucher E; IICC-3 Contributors. Incidence of childhood renal tumours: An international population-based study. Int J Cancer. 147(12): 3313–3327, 2020
  • Toyoda Y, Tabuchi T, Hama H, Morishima T, Miyashiro I. Trends in clinical stage distribution and screening detection of cancer in Osaka, Japan: Stomach, colorectum, lung, breast and cervix. PloS one. 15(12): e0244644, 2020
  • Fuji S, Kida S, Nakata K, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Ishikawa J. Increased incidence of adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma and peripheral T cell lymphoma–not otherwise specified with limited improvement in overall survival: a retrospective analysis using data from the population-based Osaka Cancer Registry. Annals of Hematology. 100(1): 157–165, 2021
  • Taniyama Y, Tabuchi T, Ohno Y, Morishima T, Okawa S, Koyama S, Miyashiro I. Hospital surgical volume and 3-year mortality in severe prognosis cancers: A population-based study using cancer registry data. Journal of Epidemiology 2021;31(1):52–58. 31(1): 52–58, 2021
  • Okubo R, Tabuchi T. Smoking and drinking among patients with mental disorders: Evidence from a nationally representative Japanese survey. J Affect Disord. 279: 443–450, 2021
  • Saito M, Aida J, Cable N, Zaninotto P, Ikeda T, Tsuji T, Koyama S, Noguchi T, Osaka K, Kondo K. Cross-national comparison of social isolation and mortality among older adults: A 10-year follow-up study in Japan and England. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 21(2): 209–214, 2021
  • Siripongvutikorn Y, Tabuchi T, Okawa S. Workplace smoke-free policies that allow heated tobacco products and electronic cigarettes use are associated with use of both these products and conventional tobacco smoking: the 2018 JASTIS study. Tob Control. 30(2): 147–154, 2021
  • Fukuda J, Ikezawa K, Nakao M, Okagaki S, Ashida R, Ioka T, Takada R, Yamai T, Fukutake N, Uehara H, Nagata S, Takahashi H, Tabuchi T, Tanaka S, Ohkawa K, Katayama K. Predictive Factors for Pancreatic Cancer and Its Early Detection Using Special Pancreatic Ultrasonography in High-Risk Individuals. Cancers (Basel). 13(3): 502, 2021
  • Okawa S, Tabuchi T, Nakata K, Morishima T, Koyama S, Odani S, Miyashiro I. Three-year survival from diagnosis in surgically treated patients in designated and non-designated cancer care hospitals in Japan. Cancer Sci. 112(6): 2513–2521, 2021
  • Ohmori M, Ishihara R, Morishima T, Tabuchi T, Okada H, Ohno Y, Sobue T, Miyashiro I. Excessive risk of second-cancer incidence and cancer mortality in patients with esophageal cancer. J Gastroenterol. 56(5): 434–441, 2021
  • Nishikawa T, Morishima T, Fujii Y, Okawa S, Otsuka T, Kamada R, Yasui T, Shioyama W, Oka T, Tabuchi T, Fujita M. Prognostic impact of cancer activity on clinically relevant bleeding events after percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of Medical Investigation. 68(1): 29–37, 2021.
  • Imura Y, Tabuchi T. Exposure to Secondhand Heated-Tobacco-Product Aerosol May Cause Similar Incidence of Asthma Attack and Chest Pain to Secondhand Cigarette Exposure: The JASTIS 2019 Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 18(4): 1766, 2021
  • Noguchi T, Saito M, Aida J, Cable N, Tsuji T, Koyama S, Ikeda T, Osaka K, Kondo K. Association between social isolation and depression onset among older adults: a cross-national longitudinal study in England and Japan. BMJ Open. 11(3): e045834, 2021
  • Nakata K, Okawa S, Fuji S, Sato A, Morishima T, Tada Y, Inoue M, Hara J, Kawa K, Miyashiro I. Trends in survival of leukemia among children, adolescents, and young adults: A population-based study in Osaka, Japan. Cancer Sci. 112(3): 1150–1160, 2021
  • Sato A, Matsubayashi K, Morishima T, Nakata K, Kawakami K, Miyashiro I. Increasing trends in the prevalence of prior cancer in newly diagnosed lung, stomach, colorectal, breast, cervical, and corpus uterine cancer patients: a population-based study. BMC Cancer. 21(1): 264, 2021
  • Abe Y. Ohkawa K, Sakakibara M, Nawa T, Fukutake N, Ikezawa K, Takada R, Kusakabe A, Imai T, Nakani-shi K, Tabuchi T, Hikita H, Sakamori R, Tatsumi T, Takehara T, Katayama K. Prognostic factors for patients with a large number of hepatocellular carcinoma nodules. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research. 12 (1) : 26-35, 2020
  • Burstein R. Tabuchi T : 559人中494番目(共著者多数につき他は省略). Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017. Nature. 574 (7778) : 353-358, 2019
  • Chung-Hall J. Fong GT, Meng G, Yen M, Tabuchi T, Yoshimi I, Mochizuki Y, Craig L.V, Ouimet J, Quah AC. Effectiveness of text-oniy cigarette health warnings in Japan: Findings from the 2018 International Tabacco Control (ITC) Japan Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (3) : 952, 2020
  • Harashima S. Fujimori M, Akechi T, Matsuda T, Saika K, Hasegawa T, Inoue K, Yoshiuchi K, Miyashiro I, Uchitomi Y, Matsuoka Y. Suicide, other externally caused injuries and cardiovascular death following a cancer diagnosis: Study protocol for a nationwide population-based study in Japan (J-SUPPORT 1902). BMJ Open. 9 (7) : e030681, 2019
  • Igarashi A. Aida J, Sairenchi T, Tsuboya T, Sugiyama K, Koyama S, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Osaka K, Ota H.Does cigarette smoking increase traffic accident death during 20 years follow-up in Japan? The Ibaraki Pre-fectural Health Study. Journal of Epidemiology. 5 (9) : 192-196, 2019
  • Ikeda T. Tsuboya T, Aida J, Matsuyama Y, Koyama S, Sugiyama K, Kondo K, Osaka K. Income and education are associated with transitions in health status among community-dwelling older people in Japan: The JAGES cohort study. Family Practice. 36 (6) : 713-722, 2019
  • Kawamura H. Morishima T, Sato A, Honda M, Miyashiro I. Effect of adjuvant chemotherapy on survival ben-efit in stage III colon cancer patients stratified by age: A Japanese real-world cohort study. BMC Cancer. 20(1) : 19, 2020
  • Kusama T. Aida J, Sugiyama K, Matsuyama Y, Koyama S, Sato Y, Yamamoto T, Igarashi A, Tsuboya T,Osaka K. Does the type of temporary housing make a difference in social participation and health for evacu-ees of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Epidemiology. 10(29) : 391-398, 2019
  • Matsuno K. Ishihara R, Ohmori M, Iwagami H, Shichijyo S, Maekawa A, Kanesaka T, Yamamoto S, Takeuchi Y, Higashino K, Uedo N, Matsunaga T, Morishima T, Miyashiro I. Time trends in the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma, gastric adenocarcinoma, and superficial esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma. Journal of Gastroenterology. 54 (9) : 784-791, 2019
  • Mohamad O. Tabuchi T, Nitta Y, Nomoto A, Sato A, Kasuya G, Makishima H, Choy H, Yamada S, Morishima T, Tsuji H, Miyashiro I, Kamada T. Risk of subsequent primary cancers after carbon ion radiotherapy, photon radiotherapy, or surgery for localised prostate cancer: A propensity score-weighted, retrospective, cohort study. Lancet Oncology. 20 (5) : 674-685, 2019
  • Mohamad O. Tabuchi T, Morishima T, Makishima H, Miyashiro I, Tsuji H. Key considerations when review-ing subsequent primary cancers following radiotherapy – Authors’ reply. Lancet Oncology. 20 (6) : e292, 2019
  • Morishima T. Miyashiro I, Inoue N, Kitasaka M, Akazawa T, Higeno A, Idota A, Sato A, Ohira T, Sakon M, Matsuura N. Effects of laughter therapy on quality of life in patients with cancer: An open-label, randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE. 14 (6) : e0219065, 2019
  • Nunobe S. Oda I, Ishikawa T, Akazawa K, Katai H, Isobe Y, Miyashiro I, Tsujitani S, Ono H, Tanabe S, Fuka-gawa T, Suzuki S, Kakeji Y, the Registration Committee of the Japanese Gastric Cancer. Surgical outcomes of elderly patients with Stage I gastric cancer from the nationwide registry of the Japanese Gastric Cancer As-sociation. Gastric Cancer. 23 (2) : 328-338, 2020
  • Okawa S. Gyapong M, Leslie H, Shibanuma A, Kikuchi K, Yeji F, Tawiah C, Addei S, Nanishi K, Oduro AR,Owusu-Agyei S, Ansah E, Asare GQ, Yasuoka J, Hodgson A, Jimba M, Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research Project Team. Effect of continuum-of-care intervention package on improving contacts and quality of maternal and newborn healthcare in Ghana: A cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 9 (9) : e025347, 2019
  • Okawa S. Tabuchi T, Miyashiro I. Who uses e-cigarettes and why? E-cigarette use among older adolescents and young adults in Japan: JASTIS Study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 52 (1) : 37-45, 2019
  • Okawa S. Tabuchi T, Morishima M, Koyama S, Taniyama Y, Miyashiro I. Hospital volume and postoperative 5-year survival for five different cancer sites: A population-based study in Japan. Cancer Science. 111 (3) : 985-993, 2020
  • Sansone G. Fong GT, Meng G, Craig LV, Xu SS, Quah AKC, Ouimet J, Mochizuki Y, Yoshimi I, Tabuchi T. Secondhand smoke exposure in public places and support for smoke-free laws in Japan: Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (3) : 979, 2020
  • Sasaki Y. Tsuji T, Koyama S, Tani Y, Saito T, Kondo K, Kawachi I, Aida J. Neighborhood ties reduced de-pressive symptoms in older disaster survivors: Iwanuma Study, a Natural Experiment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (1) : 337, 2020
  • Sutanto E. Miller C, Smith DM, O’Connor RJ, Quah ACK, Cummings KM, Xu S, Fong GT, Hyland A, Ouimet J, Yoshimi I, Mochizuki Y, Tabuchi T, Goniewicz ML. Prevalence, use behaviors, and preferences among users of heated tobacco products: Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (23) : 4630, 2019
  • Sutanto E. Smith DM, Miller C, O’Connor RJ, Hyland A, Tabuchi T, Quah ACK, Cummings KM, Xu S, Fong GT, Ouimet J, Yoshimi I, Mochizuki Y, Goniewicz ML. Use of heated tobacco products within indoor spaces: Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (23) : 4862, 2019
  • Sutanto E. Miller C, Smith DM, Borland R, Hyland A, Cummings KM, Quah ACK, Xu SS, Fong GT, Ouimet J, Yoshimi I, Mochizuki Y, Tabuchi T, O’Connor RJ, Goniewicz ML, Sutanto E. Concurrent Daily and Non-Daily Use of Heated Tobacco Products with Combustible Cigarettes: Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan Survey. In-ternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (6) : 2098, 2020
  • Tabuchi T. Commentary on Gravely et al (2019) : Beginning a new era of nicotine products-beyond the four national-level determinants of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) use. Addiction. 114 (6) : 1074-1075, 2019
  • Tabuchi T. Shinozaki T, Kunugita T, Nakamura M, Tsuji I. Study profile: The Japan “Society and New To-bacco” Internet Survey (JASTIS) : A longitudinal internet cohort study of heat-not-burn tobacco products,electronic cigarettes and conventional tobacco products in Japan. Journal of Epidemiology. 29 (11) : 444-450, 2019
  • Terasawa T. Hamashima C, Kato K, Miyashiro I, Yoshikawa T, Takaku R, Nishida H. Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment for gastric carcinoma prevention in asymptomatic or dyspeptic adults: Systematic re-view and Bayesian meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open. 9 (9) : e026002, 2019
  • Agemi Y. Shimokawa T, Sasaki J, Miyazaki K, Misumi Y, Sato A, Aida S, Ishii M, Nakamura Y, Naoki K, Okamoto H. Prospective evaluation of the G8 screening tool for prognostication of survival in elderly patients with lung cancer : A single-institution study. PLoS One. 14 (1) : e0210499, 2019
  • Drozdov D. Bonaventure A, Nakata K, Suttorp M, Belot A. Temporal trends in the proportion of “cure” in children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia in England : A population-based study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 65 (12) : e27422-e27422, 2018
  • Fujihara S. Tsuji T, Miyaguni Y, Aida J, Saito M, Koyama S, Kondo K. Does Community-Level Social Capital Predict Decline in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living? A JAGES Prospective Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 16 (5) : e828, 2019
  • Iwatsubo T. Ishihara R, Morishima T, Maekawa A, Nakagawa K, Arao M, Ohmori M, Iwagami H, Matsuno K, Inoue S, Nakahira H, Matsuura N, Shichijo S, Kanesaka T, Yamamoto S, Takeuchi Y, Higashino K, Uedo N, Miyashiro I, Higuchi K, Fujii T. Impact of age at diagnosis of head and neck cancer on incidence of metachronous cancer. BMC Cancer. 19 (1) : 3, 2019
  • Kioi Y. Tabuchi T. Electronic, heat-not-burn, and combustible cigarette use among diseases patients in Japan : a cross-sectional study. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 16 (41) , 2018
  • Kiyohara K. Tabuchi T (equally contributed). Electronic cigarette use in restaurants and workplaces where combustible tobacco smoking is not allowed : an Internet survey in Japan. Tob Control. 27 (3) :254-257, 2018
  • Koyama S. Aida J, Cable N, Tsuboya T, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Yamamoto T, Kondo K, Osaka K. Sleep duration and remaining teeth among older people. Sleep Medicine. 52 : 18-22, 2018
  • Morishima T. Matsumoto Y, Koeda N, Shimada H, Maruhama T, Matsuki D, Nakata K, Ito Y, Tabuchi T, Miyashiro I. Impact of Comorbidities on Survival in Gastric, Colorectal, and Lung Cancer Patients. Journal of Epidemiology. 29 (3) : 110-115, 2019
  • Okada C. Tabuchi T, Iso H. Association between skipping breakfast in parents and children and childhood overweight/obesity among children : a nationwide 10.5-year prospective study in Japan. Int J Obes (Lond). 42 (10) : 1724-1732, 2018
  • Okawa S. Win HH, Leslie HH, Nanishi K, Shibanuma A, Aye PP, Jimba M. Quality gap in maternal and newborn healthcare : a cross-sectional study in Myanmar. BMJ Global Health. 4 (2) : e001078, 2019
  • Okawa S. Win HH, Nanishi K, Shibanuma A, Aye PP, Saw TN, Jimba M. Advice on healthy pregnancy, delivery, motherhood and information on non-communicable diseases in the maternal care programme in Myanmar : a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 9 (3) : e025186, 2019
  • Saito M. Kondo N, Oshio T, Tabuchi T, Kondo K. Relative Deprivation, Poverty, and Mortality in Japanese Older Adults : A Six-Year Follow-Up of the JAGES Cohort Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 16 (2) : e182, 2019
  • Shojima K. Tabuchi T. Voluntary home and car smoke-free rules in Japan : a cross-sectional study in 2015. BMJ Open. 9 (3) : e024615, 2019
  • Tabuchi T. Iso H, Brunner E. Tobacco control measures to reduce socioeconomic inequality in smoking : the necessity, time-course perspective and future implications. J Epidemiol. 28 (4) : 170-175, 2018
  • Tabuchi T. Gallus S, Shinozaki T, Nakaya T, Kunugita N, Colwell B. Heat-not-burn tobacco product use in Japan : its prevalence, predictors and perceived symptoms from exposure to secondhand heat-not-burn tobacco aerosol. Tob Control. 27 (e1) : e25-e33, 2018
  • Tabuchi T. Fujihara S, Shinozaki T, Fukuhara H. Determinants of High-School Dropout : A Longitudinal Study in a Deprived Area of Japan. J Epidemiol. 28 (11) : 458-464, 2018
  • Tabuchi T. Fukui K, Gallus S. Tobacco price increases and population interest in smoking cessation in Japan between 2004 and 2016 : a Google Trends analysis. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 21 (4) : 475-480, 2019
  • Toyoda Y. Tabuchi T, Nakata K, Morishima T, Nakayama T, Miyashiro I, Hojo S, Yoshioka S. Increase in incidental detection of thyroid cancer in Osaka, Japan. Cancer Sci. 109 (7) : 2310-2314, 2018
  • Yagi A. Ueda Y, Kakuda M, Tanaka Y, Ikeda S, Matsuzaki S, Kobayashi E, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Fukui K, Ito Y, Nakayama T, Kimura T. Epidemiological and clinical analyses of cervical cancer using data from the population-based Osaka cancer registry. Cancer Research. 79 (6) : 1252-1259, 2019
  • Aida J. Matsuyama Y, Tabuchi T, Komazaki Y, Tsuboya T, Kato T, Osaka K, Fujiwara T. Trajectory of social inequalities in the treatment of dental caries among preschool children in Japan. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 45 (5) : 407-412, 2017
  • Aida J. Hikichi H, Matsuyama Y, Sato Y, Tsuboya T, Tabuchi T, Koyama S, Subramanian S, V, Kondo K, Osaka K, Kawachi I,. Risk of mortality during and after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami among older coastal residents. Sci Rep. 7 (1) : 16591, 2017
  • Inoue H. Ito I, Niimi A, Matsumoto H, Oguma T, Tajiri T, Iwata T, Nagasaki T, Kanemitsu Y, Morishima T, Hirota T, Tamari M, Wenzel SE, Mishima M. Association of interleukin 1 receptor-like 1 gene polymorphisms with eosinophilic phenotype in Japanese adults with asthma. Respir Investig. 55 (6) : 338-347, 2017
  • Katai H. Ishikawa T, Akazawa K, Isobe Y, Miyashiro I, Oda I, Tsujitani S, Ono H, Tanabe S, Fukagawa T, Nunobe S, Kakeji Y, Nashimoto A; Registration Committee of the Japanese Gastric Cancer. Five-year survival analysis of surgically resected gastric cancer cases in Japan: a retrospective analysis of more than 100,000 patients from the nationwide registry of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association (2001-2007). Gastric Cancer. 21 (1) : 144-154, 2018
  • Katanoda K. Shibata A, Matsuda T, Hori M, Nakata K, Narita Y, Ogawa C, Munakata W, Kawai A Nishimoto H. Childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer incidence in Japan in 2009-2011. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 47 (8) : 762-771, 2017
  • Kinoshita FL. Ito Y, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Nakayama T. Sex differences in lung cancer survival: long-term trends using population-based cancer registry data in Osaka, Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 47 (9) : 863-869, 2017
  • Matsuda T. Nunobe S, Kosuga T, Kawahira H, Inaki N, Kitashiro S, Abe N, Miyashiro I, Nagao S, Nishizaki M, Nhiki N, Society for the Study of Laparoscopy and Endoscopy Cooperative Surgery. Laparoscopic and luminal endoscopic cooperative surgery can be a standard treatment for submucosal tumors of the stomach: a retrospective multicenter study. Endoscopy. 49 (5) : 476-483, 2017
  • Miyazaki Y. Tabuchi T. Educational gradients in the use of electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products in Japan. PloS one. 13 (1) : e0191008, 2018
  • Nakata K. Ito Y, Magadi W, Bonaventure A, Stiller CA, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Miyashiro I, Pritchard-Jones K, Rachet B. Childhood cancer incidence and survival in Japan and England: A population-based study (1993-2010). Cancer Science. 109 (2) : 422-434, 2018
  • Nomura S. Sakamoto H, Glenn S, Tsugawa Y, Abe S, Rahman M, Brown JC, Ezoe S, Fitzmaurice C, Inokuchi T, Kassebaum N, Kawakami N, Kita Y, Kondo N, Lim S, Maruyama S, Miyata H, Mooney M, Naghavi M, Onoda T, Ota E, Otake Y, Roth G, Saito E, Tabuchi T, Takasaki Y, Tanimura T, Uechi M, Vos T, Wang H, Inoue M, Murray C, Shibuya K. Population health and regional variations of disease burden in Japan, 1990–2015: a systematic subnational analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet. 390 (10101) : 1521-1538, 2017
  • Tabuchi T. Kondo N. Educational inequalities in smoking among Japanese adults aged 25-94 years: nationally representative sex- and age-specific statistics. J Epidemiol. 27 (4) : 186-192, 2017
  • Tabuchi T. Goto A, Ito Y, Fukui K, Miyashiro I, Shinozaki T. Smoking at the time of diagnosis and mortality in cancer patients: What benefit does the quitter gain?. Int J Cancer. 140 (8) : 1789-1795, 2017
  • Tabuchi T. Murayama H, Hoshino T, Nakayama T. An Out-of-Pocket Cost Removal Intervention on Fecal Occult Blood Test Attendance. Am J Prev Med. 53 (2) : e51-e62, 2017
  • Tanabe S. Hirabayashi S, Oda I, Ono H, Nashimoto A, Isobe Y, Miyashiro I, Tsujitani S, Seto Y, Fukagawa T, Nunobe S, Furukawa H, Kodera Y, Kaminishi M, Katai H. Gastric cancer yreated by endoscopic submucosal dissection or endoscopic mucosal resection in Japan from 2004 through 2006: JGCA nationwide registry conducted in 2013. Gastric Cancer. 20 (5) : 834-842, 2017
  • Tsugawa Y. Hashimoto K, Tabuchi T, Shibuya K. What can Japan learn from tobacco control in the UK?. Lancet. 390 (10098) : 933-934, 2017
  • Tsugawa Y. Hashimoto K, Tabuchi T, Shibuya K. Is Japan losing the fight against smoke-free legislation?. BMJ Opinion, 2017

In Japanese

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  • 中田佳世, 松田智大, 宮代勲. 小児がんの記述疫学. 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌. 57(5): 360–365, 2020
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  • 大曽基宣. 津下一代, 近藤尚己, 田淵貴大, 相田潤, 横山徹爾, 遠又靖丈, 辻一郎. 自治体の衛生部門における健康増進事業のプロセスの現状と課題:6府県全市町村調査の分析結果より. 日本公衆衛生雑誌. 67 (1) : 15-25, 2020
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  • 濱秀聡. 田淵貴大. がん検診の要点-日本の現状と世界の動向-. 腫瘍内科. 25 (3) : 323-331, 2020
  • 森島敏隆. 臨床アウトカム評価の概要と最新動向. 医学のあゆみ. 271 (8) : 694-698, 2019
  • 八尾建史. 上堂文也, 鎌田智有, 平澤俊明, 長浜孝, 吉永繁高, 岡政志, 井上和彦, 間部克裕, 八尾隆史, 吉田雅博, 宮代勲, 藤本一眞, 田尻久雄. 早期胃癌の内視鏡診断ガイドライン. 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌. 61 (6) : 1285-1319,2019
  • 秋山理. 中村正和, 田淵貴大. 受動喫煙の他者危害性の認識と禁煙への関心. 日本公衆衛生雑誌. 65 (11) : 655-665, 2018



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