他施設にはない特徴的な組織として1959年の大阪府立成人病センター(現在の大阪国際がんセンター)設立当初より活動し、1962年から「大阪府がん登録」(Osaka Cancer Registry)を継続しています(「大阪がん登録の歩み 」参照)。2017年の大阪国際がんセンター移転時に、がん予防情報センターから改称し、調査、研究に留まらない姿勢を明確にしました。
The future starts today, not tomorrow. (Pope John Paul II)
大阪国際がんセンター がん対策センター所長 宮代 勲
Director, Cancer Control Center Isao Miyashiro, MD, PhD
- 1982年
- 六甲学院高等学校卒業
- 1988年
- 大阪大学医学部医学科卒業
- 1988年
- 大阪大学医学部附属病院 外科研修医
- 1989年
- 国立大阪病院(現・大阪医療センター) 外科レジデント
- 1992年
- 大阪大学医学部外科学第二(現・消化器外科)
- 1994年
- 大阪大学微生物病研究所発癌制御分野
- 1996年
- 米国John Wayne Cancer Institute (Molecular Oncology)
- 1999年
- 大阪府立成人病センター第一外科(現・消化器外科)
- 2003年
- 同 消化器外科 胃外科チーフ
- 2011年
- 同 がん予防情報センター企画調査課長
- 2017年
- 大阪国際がんセンター がん対策センター所長
- 医師・博士(医学),日本医師会認定産業医
- 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科医学部 招へい教授
- 大阪公立大学大学院看護学研究科 非常勤講師
- 社会医学系専門医協会 指導医・専門医
- 日本消化器外科学会 指導医
- 大阪府がん対策推進委員会 委員
- 大阪府がん対策推進委員会がん登録等部会 部会長
- 大阪府がん診療連携協議会 がん登録・情報提供部会 部会長
- 健活おおさか推進府民会議 参画団体代表者
- 日本がん登録協議会 副理事長,JACR Monograph 編集長
- 日本胃癌学会 登録委員会,Gastric Cancer Editorial Board Member
- 日本癌学会 評議員
- 日本疫学会 評議員
- 日本臨床外科学会 評議員
がん対策センター(Cancer Control Center)では、政策情報部(Department of Cancer Strategy)と疫学統計部(Department of Cancer Epidemiology)が分担・協力して、事業等を行っています。
事 業 等 | 課 題 例 | 主 担 |
大 阪 府 がん登録 |
1.がん登録等の推進に関する法律に基づく全国がん登録の実施 2.大阪府におけるがんの罹患率の測定 3.大阪府におけるがん患者の生存率の測定 4.大阪府民および大阪府内の医療機関へのがん登録情報の還元 5.大阪府におけるがん検診の精度管理 6.がん登録資料利用の促進 |
政策情報部 |
院 内 がん登録 |
1.大阪国際がんセンターにおける院内がん登録の実施 2.大阪国際がんセンターにおけるがん患者の生存率の測定 3.大阪府民および大阪国際がんセンター各部門への情報提供 |
疫学統計部 |
がん登録支援 | 1.大阪府内の医療機関における全国がん登録の支援 2.大阪府内の医療機関における院内がん登録の支援 |
共通 |
がん対策 | 1.大阪府がん対策推進計画の進捗管理における協働 2.大阪府民へのがん情報の提供 |
が ん の 疫学研究 |
1.がん患者の受療動向、生存率測定、地域差の分析 2.がん関連データベースのリンケージに関する研究 3.がん患者のがん以外の死因に関する研究 4.小児・AYA世代のがん医療に関する研究 |
大 阪 府 に お け る 成 人 病 精密死因統計 |
1.死因別、性別、年齢階級別統計 2.死因別、性別、市区町村別統計 |
がん診療連携拠点 病院等情報分析 |
1.拠点病院ごとの診療実績の集計と生存率の測定 2.がん登録を基盤とするがん医療の調査 3.医療圏ごとのがん医療の特徴と課題の分析 |
臨床研究支援 | 1.大阪国際がんセンターにおける臨床研究の生物統計支援 |
政策情報部(Department of Cancer Strategy) | |||
職 名 | 氏 名 | 主な研究・専門分野等 | 資格・学会専門医・役職 |
Chief 部長 医師、博士(医学) |
Kayo Nakata, MD, PhD 中田 佳世 |
小児がん、思春期・若年成人のがんの疫学、患者支援 https://researchmap.jp/kayonakata |
社会医学系指導医・専⾨医 日本小児科学会 小児科専門医 |
Associate Chief 副部長 医師、博士(医学) |
Yoshihiro Kuwabara, MD, PhD 桒原 佳宏 |
疫学、がんと生活習慣病、腫瘍循環器学 | ⽇本内科学会 総合内科専⾨医 ⽇本循環器予防学会 評議員 |
Biostatistician 生物統計職 保健師、博士(保健学) 看護師 |
Haruka Kudo, PhD 工藤 榛香 |
がん疫学、がん患者支援、公衆衛生学 | |
Health Information Manager 診療情報管理士 |
Satoshi Hanahara 花原 聡 |
Health Information Manager 診療情報管理士 |
Natsumi Kawano 川野 夏海 |
Secretary 事務 |
Munehiro Taya 田家 宗博 |
Secretary 事務 |
Eri Takahashi 高橋 絵理 |
疫学統計部(Department of Cancer Epidemiology) | |||
職 名 | 氏 名 | 主な研究・専門分野等 | 資格・学会専門医・役職 |
Chief 部長 医師、博士(医学) |
Toshitaka Morishima, MD, PhD 森島 敏隆 |
ヘルスサービスリサーチ、疫学、医療政策、医療経済 https://researchmap.jp/morishima/ |
社会医学系指導医・専⾨医 |
Research Fellow 主査 歯科医師、博士(歯学) |
Shihoko Koyama, DDS, PhD 小山 史穂子 |
口腔衛生学、公衆衛生学・疫学、がんの疫学 https://researchmap.jp/shihoko-koyama |
日本疫学会 疫学専門家 日本疫学会 広報委員会 メディア連携WG 委員 |
Biostatistician 生物統計職 博士(公共政策) |
Yoko Iwaki, MPH,PhD 岩城 洋子 |
グローバルヘルス、公衆衛生学・疫学、医療政策、医療経済 | |
医師 |
Mizuki Shimadzu, MD 島津 美寿季 |
公衆衛⽣学・疫学、健康格差 | |
Health Information Manager 診療情報管理士 |
Rie Ishida 石田 理恵 |
Health Information Manager 診療情報管理士 |
Kanako Hara 原 加奈子 |
Health Information Manager 診療情報管理士 |
Fumie Inaoka 稲岡 史絵 |
Secretary 事務 |
Tatsunori Ichimoto 市本 辰憲 |
In English
- Ssenyonga N. Stiller C, Nakata K, Shalkow J, Redmond S, Bulliard JL, Girardi F, Fowler C, Marcos-Gragera R, Bonaventure A, Saint-Jacques N, Minicozzi P, De P, Rodríguez-Barranco M, Larønningen S, Di Carlo V, Mägi M, Valkov M, Seppä K, Wyn Huws D, Coleman MP, Allemani C; CONCORD Working Group. Worldwide trends in population-based survival for children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with leukaemia, by subtype, during 2000-14 (CONCORD-3): analysis of individual data from 258 cancer registries in 61 countries. Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.6(6):409-431,2022
- Morishima T. Okawa S, Koyama S, Nakata K, Tabuchi T, Miyashiro I. Between-hospital variations in 3-year survival among patients with newly diagnosed gastric, colorectal, and lung cancer. Scientific Reports.12(1):7134,2022
- Saito Kajiwara M. Nakata K, Kato M, Kuwabara Y, Morishima T, Rachet B, Miyashiro I . Trends in age-standardised net survival of stomach cancer by subsite and stage: A population-based study in Osaka, Japan, 2001-2014. Cancer Epidemiology. 79:102170,2022
- Kida N. Morishima T, Tsubakihara Y, Miyashiro I. Stage at diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal, stomach, lung, liver, kidney, and bladder cancers in dialysis patients: A multicenter retrospective study using cancer registry data and administrative data.Nephron.146(5):429-438,2022
- Jackson TJ. Brisse HJ, Pritchard-Jones K, Nakata K, Morosi C, Oue T, Irtan S, Vujanic G, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Graf N, Chowdhury T; SIOP RTSG Biopsy Working Group. How we approach paediatric renal tumour core needle biopsy in the setting of preoperative chemotherapy: A Review from the SIOP Renal Tumour Study Group. Pediatric Blood Cancer.69(9): e29702,2022
- Charvat H. Nakata K. International variations in renal tumours incidence in children and adolescents. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology.52(7):795-797,2022
- Nakata K. Saika K. International variations in malignant bone tumour incidence in children and adolescents. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology.52(9):1069-1071,2022
- Saito Kajiwara M. Morishima T, Ma C, Koyama S, Miyashiro I. Diagnosis and treatment of digestive cancers during COVID-19 in Japan: A Cancer Registry-based Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Care in Osaka (CanReCO). PLoS One.17(9): e0274918,2022
- Kudo H.Morishima T, Fujii M, Nagayasu M, Sobue T, Ohno Y, Miyashiro I. Do prognoses of patients with second primary cancers differ from those of patients with no prior cancer? A population-based study. Cancer Epidemiology.80:102218,2022
- Muranushi H . Kanda J, Kobayashi M, Maeda T, Kitano T, Tsuji M, Ueda Y, Ishikawa T, Nohgawa M, Watanabe M, Imada K, Moriguchi T, Itoh M, Ohno H, Yonezawa A, Hirata H, Arima N, Asagoe K, Anzai N, Nagata K, Yasuno S, Kuwabara Y, Kitao H, Kim I, Kawagishi K, Ueshima K, Tominari S, Nakayama T, Yamashita K, Takaori-Kondo A. Bortezomib-cyclophosphamide-dexamethasone induction/consolidation and bortezomib maintenance for transplant-eligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: phase 2 multicenter trial. Hematology.27(1):239- 248,2022
- Morishima T. Kuwabara Y, Saito MK, Odani S, Kudo H, Kato K, Nakata K, Miyashiro I. Patterns of staging, treatment, and mortality in gastric, colorectal, and lung cancer among older adults with and without preexisting dementia: A Japanese multicentre cohort study. BMC Cancer.23(1):67,2023
- Gon Y. Zha L, Sasaki T, Morishima T, Ohno Y, Mochizuki H, Sobue T, Miyashiro I. Stroke mortality in cancer survivors: A population-based study in Japan. Thrombosis Research.222:140-148,2023
- Okawa S. Tabuchi T, Morishima T, Nakata K, Koyama S, Odani S, Miyashiro I. Minimum surgical volume to ensure 5-year survival probability for six cancer sites in Japan. Cancer Medicine.12(2):1293-1304,2023
- Nakata K. Charvat H. International variations in carcinoma and melanoma incidence in children and adolescents. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology.52(12):1452-1454,2022
- Saika K. Nakata K. Age-specific cancer incidence rates in children and adolescents in the world. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology.53(1):93-94,2023
- Nakata K. Okawa S. Age-specific leukaemia incidence rates in children and adolescents in the world. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology.53(2):184-185,2023
- Kuwabara Y. Morishima T, Odani S, Kudo H, Ma C, Kato M, Koyama S, Saito MK, Nakata K, Tabuchi T, Miyashiro I. Impact of coexisting diabetes on survival and risk of developing second primary cancer in diabetes patients receiving drug therapy: A multicenter retrospective cohort study of patients with cancer in Japan. Journal of Diabetes Investigation .14(2):329-338,2023
- Yamamoto Y. Kawashima A, Morishima T, Uemura T, Yamamoto A, Yamamichi G, Tomiyama E, Matsushita M, Kato T, Hatano K, Miyashiro I, Nonomura N. Comparative effectiveness of radiation versus radical cystectomy for localized muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Advances in Radiation Oncology .8 (3):101157,2022
- Odani S. Nakata K, Inoue M, Kato M, Saito MK, Morishima T, Hashii Y, Hara J, Kawa K, Miyashiro I. Incidence of second primary cancers among survivors of childhood cancer: A population-based study, Osaka, Japan, 1975-2015. Cancer Science .114(3):1142-1153,2023
- Odani S. Tabuchi T, Nakaya T, Morishima T, Nakata K, Kuwabara Y, Saito MK, Ma C, Miyashiro I. Socioeconomic disparities in cancer survival: Relation to stage at diagnosis, treatment, and centralization of patients to accredited hospitals, 2005-2014, Japan.Cancer Medicine.12(5):6077-6091,2023
- Fujii M. Morishima T, Nagayasu M, Kudo H, Ohno Y, Sobue T, Miyashiro I. Cause of death among long-term cancer survivors: the NANDE study. Healthcare (Basel).11(6):835,2023
- Sato A. Morishima T, Takeuchi M, Nakata K, Kawakami K, Miyashiro I. Survival in non-small cell lung cancer patients with versus without prior cancer. Scientific Reports.13(1):4269,2023
- Daiku K. Ikezawa K, Morishima T, Kai Y, Takada R, Yamai T, Miyashiro I, Ohkawa K. Chemotherapy effectiveness and age-group analysis of older adult patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer: A Japanese cancer registry cohort study. Journal of Geriatric Oncology.13(8):1208-1215,2022
- Kunimasa K. Nishino K, Sato Y, Mori M, Ihara S, Suzuki H, Nagatomo I, Kumagai T, Morishima T, Imamura F. Fragment size and dynamics of EGFR-mutated tumor-derived DNA provide prognostic information regarding EGFR-TKI efficacy in patients with EGFR-mutated NSCLC. Scientific Reports.12(1):13544,2022
- Matsueda K. Ishihara R, Morishima T, Okubo Y, Kawakami Y, Sakurai H, Nakamura T, Tani Y, Miyake M, Shichijo S, Maekawa A, Kanesaka T, Yamamoto S, Takeuchi Y, Higashino K, Uedo N, Michida T, Matsunaga T, Ohno Y, Sobue T, Miyashiro I. Impact of endoscopic surveillance on mortality of metachronous esophageal and head and neck cancer after esophageal endoscopic resection. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 37(11):2098-2104,2022
- Kakeji Y. Ishikawa T, Suzuki S, Akazawa K, Irino T, Miyashiro I, Ono H, Suzuki H, Tanabe S, Kadowaki S, Muro K, Fukagawa T, Nunobe S, Wada T, Katai H, Kodera Y; Registration Committee of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association. A retrospective 5-year survival analysis of surgically resected gastric cancer cases from the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association nationwide registry (2001-2013). Gastric Cancer.25(6):1082-1093,2022
- Kurisu K. Fujimori M, Harashima S, Akechi T, Matsuda T, Saika K, Yoshiuchi K, Miyashiro I, Uchitomi Y. Suicide, other externally caused injuries, and cardiovascular disease within 2 years after cancer diagnosis: A nationwide population-based study in Japan(J-SUPPORT 1902). Cancer Medicine.12(3):3442-3451,2023
- de Luise C. Sugiyama N, Morishima T, Higuchi T, Katayama K, Nakamura S, Chen H, Nonnenmacher E, Hase R, Jinno S, Kinjo M, Suzuki D, Tanaka Y, Setoguchi S. Validity of claims-based algorithms for selected cancers in Japan: Results from the VALIDATE-J study. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.30 (9):1153-1161,2021
- Hol JA. Jewell R, Chowdhury T, Duncan C, Nakata K, Oue T, Gauthier-Villars M, Littooij AS, Kaneko Y, Graf N, Bourdeaut F, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Pritchard-Jones K, Maher ER, Kratz CP, Jongmans MCJ. Wilms tumour surveillance in at-risk children: Literature review and recommendations from the SIOP-Europe Host Genome Working Group and SIOP Renal Tumour Study Group. European Journal of Cancer.153:51-63,2021
- Kamba M. Manabe M, Wakamiya S, Yada S, Aramaki E, Odani S, Miyashiro I. Medical Needs Extraction for Breast Cancer Patients from Question and Answer Services: Natural Language Processing-Based Approach. JMIR Cancer.7(4): e320005,2021
- Koyama S. Tabuchi T, Okawa S, Taniyama Y,Nakata K, Morishima T, Miyashiro I. Hospital volume and 5-year survival in head and neck cancer patients in Osaka, Japan. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology.51 (10):1515-1522,2021
- Morishima T. Sato A, Nakata K, Matsumoto Y, Koeda N, Shimada H, Maruhama T, Matsuki D, Miyashiro I. Barthel Index-based functional status as a prognostic factor in young and middle-aged adults with newly diagnosed gastric, colorectal and lung cancer: a multicentre retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open.11(4):e046681,2021
- Nakata K. Williams R, Kinoshita Y, Koshinaga T, Moroz V, Al-Saadi R, Vujanic G, Oue T, Pritchard-Jones K. Comparative analysis of the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with Wilms tumor in the United Kingdom and Japan. Pediatr Blood Cancer.68(10): e29143,2021
- Nakata K. Hiyama E, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Tada Y, Inoue M, Kawa K, Maru M, Shimizu C, Horibe K, Miyashiro I. Cancer in adolescents and young adults in Japan: epidemiology and cancer strategy. Int J Clin Oncol.27(1):7-1,2022
- Nakata K. Gatellier L. International variations in leukaemia incidence in children and adolescents. Jpn J Clin Oncol.52(3):288-290,2022
- Odani S. Tabuchi T, Nakata K, Morishima T, Kuwabara Y, Koyama S, Kudo H, Kato M, Miyashiro I. Incidence and relative risk of metachronous second primary cancers for 16 cancer sites, Osaka, Japan, 2000– 2015: Population- based analysis. Cancer Medicine.11(2):507-519,2022
- Okawa S. Tabuchi T, Nakata K, Morishima T, Koyama S, Odani S, Miyashiro I. Three-year survival from diagnosis in surgically treated patients in designated and non-designated cancer care hospitals in Japan. Cancer Science.112(6):2513-2521, 2021
- Okawa S. Tabuchi T, Nakata K, Morishima T, Koyama S, Odani S, Miyashiro I. Surgical volume threshold to improve 3-year survival in designated cancer care hospitals in 2004-2012 in Japan. Cancer Science.113(3):1047-1056,2022
- Saika K. Nakata K. International variations in cancer incidence in children and adolescents. Jpn J Clin Oncol.52(2):198-200,2022
- Shigemi D. Morishima T, Yamana H, Yasunaga H, Miyashiro I. Validity of initial cancer diagnoses in the Diagnosis Procedure Combination data in Japan. Cancer Epidemiology.74:102016,2021
- Spreafico F. Fernandez CV, Brok J, Nakata K, Vujanic G, Geller JI, Gessler M, Maschietto M, Behjati S, Polanco A, Paintsil V, Luna-Fineman S, Pritchard-Jones K. Wilms tumour. Nat Rev Dis Primers.7(1):75,2021
- Sugimoto K. Tabuchi T, Okawa S, Morishima T, Koyama S, Nakayama M, Nishimura K, Miyashiro I. Hospital volume and postoperative survival for three urological cancers: prostate, kidney and bladder. International Journal of Urology.28(8):799-805, 2021
- Yagi A. Ueda Y, Ikeda S, Miyoshi A, Nakagawa S, Hiramatsu K, Kobayashi E, Kimura T, Ito Y, Nakayama T, Nakata K, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Kimura T. Improved long-term survival of corpus cancer in Japan: A 40-year population-based analysis. International Journal of Cancer.150(2):232-242,2022
- Fuji S. Kida S, Morishima T, Nakata K, Miyashiro I, Ishikawa J. Long-term trends in the clinical outcomes of patients with acute myeloid leukemia: A population-based real-world data analysis using the Osaka Cancer Registry. Annals of Hematology.100(11):2717-2725,2021
- Fuji S. Kida S, Nakata K, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Ishikawa J. Analysis of real-world data in patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma who received salvage chemotherapy in the rituximab era. Annals of Hematology.100(9):2253-2260,2021
- Kida S. Fuji S, Morishima T, Nakata K, Miyashiro I, Ishikawa J. Comparison of CHOP with THP-COP for peripheral T-cell lymphoma-not otherwise specified and angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: a retrospective analysis using data from the population-based Osaka Cancer Registry . International Journal of Hematology.114(2):246-251,2021
- Nishikawa T. Morishima T, Okawa S, Fujii Y, Otsuka T, Kudo T, Fujita T, Kamada R, Yasui T, Shioyama W, Oka T, Tabuchi T, Fujita M, Miyashiro I. Multicentre cohort study of the impact of percutaneous coronary intervention on patients with concurrent cancer and ischaemic heart disease. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders.21(1):177,2021
- Ohmori M. Ishihara R, Morishima T, Tabuchi T, Okada H, Ohno Y, Sobue T, Miyashiro I. Excessive risk of second cancer incidence and cancer mortality in patients with esophageal cancer. Journal of Gastroenterology.56(5):434-441,2021
- Aoe J. Ito Y, Fukui K, Nakayama M, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Sobue T, Nakayama T. Long-term trends in sex difference in bladder cancer survival 1975-2009: A population-based study in Osaka, Japan. Cancer Medicine.9(19):7330-7340,2020
- Fuji S. Kida S, Morishima T, Nakata K, Miyashiro I, Ishikawa J. Clinical outcomes of patients with adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma in a non-endemic metropolitan area: A retrospective analysis of the population-based Osaka Cancer Registry. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation.26(8):1433-1438,2020
- Fuji S. Kida S, Nakata K, Morishima T, Miyashiro I, Ishikawa J. Increased incidence of adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma and peripheral T cell lymphoma–not otherwise specified with limited improvement in overall survival: a retrospective analysis using data from the population-based Osaka Cancer Registry . Annals of Hematology.100(1):157-165,2021
- Gupta S. Aitken J, Bartels U, Bhakta N, Bucurenci M, Brierley J, De Camargo B, Chokunonga E, Clymer J, Coza Dana, Fraser C, Fuentes-Alabi S, Gatta G, Gross T, Jakab Z, Kohler B, Kutluk T, Moreno F, Nakata K, Nur Sari, Parkin DM, Penberthy L, Pole J, Poynter JN, Pritchard-Jones K, Ramirez O, Renner L, Steliarova-Foucher E, Sullivan M, Swaminathan R, Van Eycken L, Vora T, Frazier AL. Development of paediatric non-stage prognosticator guidelines for population-based cancer registries and updates to the 2014 Toronto Paediatric Cancer Stage Guidelines. The Lancet Oncology.21(9): e444-e451,2020
- Koyama S. Tabuchi T, Okawa S, Morishima T, Ishimoto S, Ishibashi M, Miyashiro I. Oral cavity cancer incidence rates in Osaka, Japan between 2000 and 2014. Oral Oncology.105:104653,2020
- Maekawa A. Ishihara R, Iwatsubo T, Nakagawa K, Ohmori M, Iwagami H, Matsuno K, Inoue S, Arao M, Nakahira H, Matsuura N, Schichijo S, Kanesaka T, Yamamoto S, Takeuchi Y, Higashino K, Uedo N, Fujii T, Morishima T, Miyashiro I . High incidence of head and neck cancers after endoscopic resection for esophageal cancer in younger patients. Journal of Gastroenterology.55( 4):401-407,2020
- Morishima T. Sato A, Nakata K, Miyashiro I. Geriatric assessment domains to predict overall survival in older cancer patients: An analysis of functional status, comorbidities, and nutritional status as prognostic factors. Cancer Medicine.9(16): 5839-5850,2020
- Nakata K. Colombet M, Stiller CA, Pritchard-Jones K, Steliarova-Foucher E; IICC-3 Contributors. Incidence of childhood renal tumours: An international population-based study. International Journal of Cancer.147(12):3313-3327,2020
- Nakata K. Okawa S, Fuji S, Sato A, Morishima T, Tada Y, Inoue M, Hara J, Kawa K, Miyashiro I. Trends in survival of leukemia among children, adolescents, and young adults: A population-based study in Osaka, Japan. Cancer Science.112(3):1150-1160,2021
- Sato A. Matsubayashi K, Morishima T, Nakata K, Kawakami K, Miyashiro I. Increasing trends in the prevalence of prior cancer in newly diagnosed lung, stomach, colorectal, breast, cervical, and corpus uterine cancer patients: a population-based study. BMC Cancer.21(1):264,2021
- Shigemi D. Morishima T, Shibata A, Tabuchi T, Yasunaga H, Miyashiro I. Comparison of overall mortality between hysterectomy and concurrent chemoradiotherapy for the primary treatment of localized or regionally extended cervical cancer . Annals of Clinical Epidemiology.2(3):75-83,2020
- Taniyama Y. Tabuchi T, Ohno Y, Morishima T, Okawa S, Koyama S, Miyashiro I. Hospital surgical volume and 3-year mortality in severe prognosis cancers: A population-based study using cancer registry data. Journal of Epidemiology.31(1):52-58,2021
- Toyoda Y. Tabuchi T, Hama H, Morishima T, Miyashiro I. Trends in clinical stage distribution and screening detection of cancer in Osaka, Japan: Stomach, colorectum, lung, breast and cervix . PLoS One. 15(12): e0244644,2020
- Yao K. Uedo N, kamada T, Hirasawa T, Nagahama T, Yoshinaga S, Oka M, Inoue K, Mabe K, Yao T, Yoshida M, Miyashiro I, Fujimoto K, Tajiri H. (JGES Guidelines) Guidelines for endoscopic diagnosis of early gastric cancer. Digestive Endoscopy (DEN).32:663-698,2020
- Nishikawa T. Morishima T, Fujii Y, Okawa S, Otsuka T, Kamada R, Yasui T, Shioyama W, Oka T, Tabuchi T, Fujita M. Prognostic impact of cancer activity on clinically relevant bleeding events after percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of Medical Investigation.68(1):29-37,2021
- Harashima S. Fujimori M, Akechi T, Matsuda T, Saika K, Hasegawa T, Inoue K, Yoshiuchi K, Miyashiro I, Uchitomi Y, Matsuoka Y. Suicide, other externally caused injuries and cardiovascular death following a cancer diagnosis: Study protocol for a nationwide population-based study in Japan (J-SUPPORT 1902). BMJ Open. 9(7): e030681, 2019
- Kawamura H. Morishima T, Sato A, Honda M, Miyashiro I. Effect of adjuvant chemotherapy on survival benefit in stage III colon cancer patients stratified by age: A Japanese real-world cohort study. BMC Cancer. 20(1):19,2020
- Matsuno K. Ishihara R, Ohmori M, Iwagami H, Shichijyo S, Maekawa A, Kanesaka T, Yamamoto S, Takeuchi Y, Higashino K, Uedo N, Matsunaga T, Morishima T, Miyashiro I. Time trends in the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma, gastric adenocarcinoma, and superficial esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma. Journal of Gastroenterology. 54(9):784 -791,2019
- Mohamad O. Tabuchi T, Nitta Y, Nomoto A, Sato A, Kasuya G, Makishima H, Choy H, Yamada S, Morishima T, Tsuji H, Miyashiro I, Kamada T. Risk of subsequent primary cancers after carbon ion radiotherapy, photon radiotherapy, or surgery for localised prostate cancer: A propensity score-weighted, retrospective, cohort study. Lancet Oncology. 20(5):674-685,2019
- Mohamad O. Tabuchi T, Morishima T, Makishima H, Miyashiro I, Tsuji H. Key considerations when reviewing subsequent primary cancers following radiotherapy – Authors’reply. Lancet Oncology.20(6): e292,2019
- Morishima T. Miyashiro I, Inoue N, Kitasaka M, Akazawa T, Higeno A, Idota A, Sato A, Ohira T, Sakon M, Matsuura N. Effects of laughter therapy on quality of life in patients with cancer:An open-label, randomized controlled trial.PLoS ONE.14(6): e0219065,2019
- Nunobe S. Oda I, Ishikawa T, Akazawa K, Katai H, Isobe Y, Miyashiro I, Tsujitani S, Ono H, Tanabe S, Fukagawa T, Suzuki S, Kakeji Y, the Registration Committee of the Japanese Gastric Cancer. Surgical outcomes of elderly patients with Stage I gastric cancer from the nationwide registry of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association. Gastric Cancer. 23(2):328-338,2020
- Okawa S. Tabuchi T, Morishima M, Koyama S, Taniyama Y, Miyashiro I. Hospital volume and postoperative 5-year survival for five different cancer sites: A population-based study in Japan. Cancer Science. 111(3):985-993,2020
- Terasawa T. Hamashima C, Kato K, Miyashiro I, Yoshikawa T, Takaku R, Nishida H. Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment for gastric carcinoma prevention in asymptomatic or dyspeptic adults: Systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open.9(9): e026002,2019
In Japanese
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- 森島敏隆. 高齢化する肺癌患者の併存疾患の疫学. 月刊呼吸器内科.43(2):117-124,2023
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- 石田理恵. 中田佳世, 久馬麻希, 原加奈子, 佐藤亮, 森島敏隆, 宮代勲. 都道府県におけるがん情報の公表および提供等に関する実態調査. JACR Monograph. 26:8-14,2021
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